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How to import on-premises Virtual Machine (VM) to AWS EC2

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There are times when we would like to launch VM/EC2 and that particular VM is not available as AMI in AWS EC2. Possible use cases such as:

  1. Bring in your on-premises Virtual Machine to AWS EC2.
  2. Launch obsolete/outdated OS, such as Windows Server 2012 R2.
  3. Launch client OS, like running Windows 10 or 11 in AWS EC2.

Import Steps

1. Create / prepare / download Virtual Harddisk of the target VM

Some options that we can use.

2. Pre-requisites

  1. AWS Account
  2. Install and configure AWS CLI v2
  3. Budget of about ~USD2.00 for AWS spending (your mileage may vary)

3. Upload Virtual Harddisk to S3

  1. Create new S3 Bucket
    If you want to use existing bucket, you can skip this step.

     # Create S3 Bucket
     aws s3 mb s3://<UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME> --region ap-southeast-1
     # Add tags to S3 Bucket
     aws s3api put-bucket-tagging --region ap-southeast-1 --bucket <UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME> --tagging "TagSet=[{Key=CostCenter, Value=EC2 Import Demo},{Key=Department, Value=Infra}]"


    • Change the bucket name - s3 bucket name must be unique (not only unique in your account).
    • Ensure that Block public access is enabled on the bucket.
  2. Upload Virtual Harddisk to S3 Bucket

     # Upload file to S3 Bucket
     aws s3 cp --region ap-southeast-1 "C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_WINDOWS_VM\9600.16415.amd64fre.winblue_refresh.130928-2229_server_serverdatacentereval_en-us.vhd" s3://<UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME>/win2012r2-9600.16415.vhd

    While waiting for the upload, proceed to next step.

4. Create IAM Role for EC2 Import Task

  1. Create IAM role from AWS CLI.

    1. Create trust policy json file, save to your local disk - trust-policy.json.

           "Version": "2012-10-17",
           "Statement": [
                   "Effect": "Allow",
                   "Principal": { "Service": "" },
                   "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
                   "Condition": {
                       "sts:Externalid": "vmimport"
    2. Create IAM Role - team99-vmimport-role.
       aws iam create-role --role-name team99-vmimport-role --assume-role-policy-document "file://C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE\trust-policy-vmimport.json"
    3. Create role policy file - role-policy.json.
               "Version": "2012-10-17",
               "Statement": [
                       "Effect": "Allow",
                       "Action": [
                       "Resource": [
                       "Effect": "Allow",
                       "Action": [
                       "Resource": [
                       "Effect": "Allow",
                       "Action": [
                       "Resource": "*"
                       "Effect": "Allow",
                       "Action": [
                       "Resource": "*"
    4. Attach role policy to IAM Role.
       aws iam put-role-policy --role-name team99-vmimport-role --policy-name s3bucket-read-write-import --policy-document "file://C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE\role-policy.json"
    5. Open the IAM console at
    6. In the navigation pane, choose Roles.

5. Create EC2 AMI from Virtual Harddisk

  1. Wait for upload progress to complete. Once upload completed, check the harddisk in S3 bucket.

  2. Create container manifest file in your local disk - ec2-containers.json

             "Description": "hvwindows2012r2",
             "Format": "vhd",
             "Url": "s3://<UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME>/win2012r2-9600.16415.vhd"
  3. Perform import task from CLI.

     aws ec2 import-image --region ap-southeast-1 --description "Windows 2012 R2" --disk-containers "file://C:\PATH_TO_CONTAINER_FILE\ec2-containers.json" --role-name "team99-vmimport-role" --tag-specifications ResourceType=import-image-task,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=win2012r2-ec2-image},{Key=CostCenter,Value="EC2 Import Demo"},{Key=Department,Value=Infra}]

    Sample output.

         "Description": "Windows 2012 R2",
         "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0e00aabd6fb70e2d5",
         "Progress": "1",
         "SnapshotDetails": [
                 "Description": "hvwindows2012r2",
                 "DiskImageSize": 0.0,
                 "Format": "VHD",
                 "Url": "s3://ec2-import-demo-20240204999999/win2012r2-9600.16415.vhd",
                 "UserBucket": {
                     "S3Bucket": "ec2-import-demo-20240204999999",
                     "S3Key": "win2012r2-9600.16415.vhd"
         "Status": "active",
         "StatusMessage": "pending",
         "Tags": [
                 "Key": "Name",
                 "Value": "win2012r2-ec2-image"
                 "Key": "CostCenter",
                 "Value": "EC2 Import Demo"
                 "Key": "Department",
                 "Value": "Infra"
  4. This process will take quite some time (roughly 20-30 mins for Windows 2012 R2 import task). To check progress, grab the ImportTaskId and enter the describe-import-image-tasks command.

     > aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --region ap-southeast-1 --import-task-ids import-ami-0e00aabd6fb70e2d5
         "ImportImageTasks": [
                 "Description": "Windows 2012 R2",
                 "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0e00aabd6fb70e2d5",
                 "Progress": "19",
                 "SnapshotDetails": [
                         "Description": "hvwindows2012r2",
                         "DiskImageSize": 8024756224.0,
                         "Format": "VHD",
                         "Status": "active",
                         "Url": "s3://ec2-import-demo-20240204999999/win2012r2-9600.16415.vhd",
                         "UserBucket": {
                             "S3Bucket": "ec2-import-demo-20240204999999",
                             "S3Key": "win2012r2-9600.16415.vhd"
                 "Status": "active",
                 "StatusMessage": "converting",
                 "Tags": [
                         "Key": "CostCenter",
                         "Value": "EC2 Import Demo"
                         "Key": "Department",
                         "Value": "Infra"
                         "Key": "Name",
                         "Value": "win2012r2-ec2-image"

    Notable Progress - StatusMessage:

    Progress Status
    1 pending
    19 converting
    39 booting
    57 preparing ami
    100 completed
  5. When the import process is completed, you can see the AMI in your AWS EC2 console - in the region that you specified.

    Name it to something that you can identify later, e.g. app99-win2012r2-ami


    • Each AMI will also come with Storage in the form of EC2 Snapshots.
    • To verify Snapshots used by AMI, check on AMI > Storage tab.
    • To cancel import task, use ec2 cancel-import-task.
        aws ec2 cancel-import-task --region ap-southeast-1 --import-task-id import-ami-0124aff44c9b3411f

6. Launch EC2 from the AMI

  1. Create IAM Instance Profile to use SSM Fleet Manager.

    1. Open the IAM console at
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.
    3. For Trusted entity type, choose AWS service.
    4. Immediately under Use case, choose EC2, and then choose Next.
    5. On the Add permissions page, do the following:
      • Use the Search field to locate the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy. Select the check box next to its name.
      • If you plan to join instances to an Active Directory managed by AWS Directory Service, search for AmazonSSMDirectoryServiceAccess and select the check box next to its name.
      • If you plan to use EventBridge or CloudWatch Logs to manage or monitor your instance, search for CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy and select the check box next to its name.
    6. Choose Next.
    7. For Role name, enter a name for your new instance profile, such as team99-ec2-fleet-role. Then choose Create role. The system returns you to the Roles page.

    Alternative method - Create IAM Instance Profile using CLI

    1. Create trust policy file in your local disk - trust-policy-ec2.json.
           "Version": "2012-10-17",
           "Statement": [
                   "Sid": "",
                   "Effect": "Allow",
                   "Principal": {
                       "Service": ""
                   "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
    2. Execute below command.
       # Create IAM Role
       aws iam create-role --role-name team99-ec2-fleet-role --assume-role-policy-document "file://C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE\trust-policy-vmimport.json"
       # Attach AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy
       aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore --role-name team99-ec2-fleet-role
       # Attach AmazonSSMDirectoryServiceAccess policy
       aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMDirectoryServiceAccess --role-name team99-ec2-fleet-role
       # Create IAM instance profile
       aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name team99-ec2-fleet-instance-profile
       # Add instance profile to IAM Role
       aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name team99-ec2-fleet-instance-profile --role-name team99-ec2-fleet-role
  2. Create EC2 Security Group in default VPC - name it team99-ec2-importdemo-sg. Leave inbound rules empty and outbound rules as-is. We will be using Fleet Manager to RDP to the VM. No inbound rules is required.

  3. From AMIs > Owned by me > select the newly created AMI and click Launch instance from AMI.

    • Enter EC2 name, e.g. app99-demo-win2012r2-ec2.
    • Select instance type, like m6a.large.
    • For key pair, select Proceed without a key pair.
    • Select default VPC with public subnet (public IP will be required).
    • Select existing security group that was created earlier - team99-ec2-importdemo-sg.
    • Select gp3 storage type.
    • Expand Advanced details, select team99-ec2-fleet-role for IAM instance profile.
    • (Optional) In user data textbox, enter.
        net user Administrator /active:yes
    • Leave the rest as-is, click Launch instance.
  4. After EC2 is ready, click Connect > Session Manager tab > Connect. This will open session terminal in browser. Enter this to reset password for Administrator.

     net user Administrator Some-Random-Password-Here
  5. Navigate to Systems Manager > Fleet Manager in your selected region.
    • Connect with Remote Desktop.
    • Enter Administrator for username.
    • Enter password that you specified earlier.
    • Click Connect.
  6. Terminate the instance once you are done.

7. Cleanup

To ensure that you won’t be charged for any further usage, delete all the following resources.

  1. Delete all Virtual harddisk files you have uploaded in S3 Bucket.
  2. Delete the S3 bucket.
  3. Terminate EC2 instances (EC2 > Instances).
  4. Delete any EBS volumes that are not deleted when EC2 instances are terminated (EC2 > Volumes).
  5. Deregister AMI (EC2 > AMIs > Select AMI and deregister it).
  6. Delete snapshots associated with the AMI (EC2 > Snapshots > find the snapshot and delete it).

Side Note - Import and launch Windows 10 in AWS EC2

  1. Download old Windows 10 virtual harddisk from Archive.
    • VMWare
    • VirtualBox
  2. Upload virtual harddisk to S3 bucket.

     aws s3 cp --region ap-southeast-1 "C:\PATH_TO_YOUR_WINDOWS_VM\WinDev2004Eval-disk1.vmdk" s3://<UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME>/WinDev2004Eval-disk1.vmdk
  3. Create container manifest file in your local disk - ec2-containers.json

             "Description": "win10devtest",
             "Format": "vmdk",
             "Url": "s3://<UNIQUE_BUCKET_NAME>/WinDev2004Eval-disk1.vmdk"
  4. Perform import task from CLI.

     aws ec2 import-image --region ap-southeast-1 --description "Windows 10 Dev 2004" --disk-containers "file://C:\PATH_TO_CONTAINER_FILE\ec2-containers.json" --role-name "team99-vmimport-role" --tag-specifications ResourceType=import-image-task,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=win10-ec2-image},{Key=CostCenter,Value="EC2 Import Demo"},{Key=Department,Value=Infra}]

    Sample output.

         "Description": "Windows 10 Dev 2004",
         "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-015a33ba399ae37a9",
         "Progress": "1",
         "SnapshotDetails": [
                 "Description": "win10devtest",
                 "DiskImageSize": 0.0,
                 "Format": "VMDK",
                 "Url": "s3://ec2-import-demo-20240204999999/WinDev2004Eval-disk1.vmdk",
                 "UserBucket": {
                     "S3Bucket": "ec2-import-demo-20240204999999",
                     "S3Key": "WinDev2004Eval-disk1.vmdk"
         "Status": "active",
         "StatusMessage": "pending",
         "Tags": [
                 "Key": "Name",
                 "Value": "win10-ec2-image"
                 "Key": "CostCenter",
                 "Value": "EC2 Import Demo"
                 "Key": "Department",
                 "Value": "Infra"
  5. This process will take quite some time. To check progress, grab the ImportTaskId and enter the describe-import-image-tasks command.

     > aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --region ap-southeast-1 --import-task-ids import-ami-015a33ba399ae37a9
         "ImportImageTasks": [
                 "Description": "Windows 10 Dev 2004",
                 "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-015a33ba399ae37a9",
                 "Progress": "19",
                 "SnapshotDetails": [
                         "Description": "win10devtest",
                         "DiskImageSize": 19020283392.0,
                         "Format": "VMDK",
                         "Status": "active",
                         "Url": "s3://ec2-import-demo-20240204999999/WinDev2004Eval-disk1.vmdk",
                         "UserBucket": {
                             "S3Bucket": "ec2-import-demo-20240204999999",
                             "S3Key": "WinDev2004Eval-disk1.vmdk"
                 "Status": "active",
                 "StatusMessage": "converting",
                 "Tags": [
                         "Key": "CostCenter",
                         "Value": "EC2 Import Demo"
                         "Key": "Department",
                         "Value": "Infra"
                         "Key": "Name",
                         "Value": "win11-ec2-image"
  6. When the import process is completed, check the AMI in your AWS EC2 console - in the region that you specified. Name it to something that you can identify later, e.g. app99-win10dev-ami
  7. Launch EC2 from the AMI. From AMIs > Owned by me > select the newly created AMI and click Launch instance from AMI.
    • Enter EC2 name, e.g. app99-demo-win10-ec2.
    • Select instance type, like m6a.large.
    • For key pair, select Proceed without a key pair.
    • Select existing security group that was created earlier - team99-ec2-importdemo-sg.
    • Select gp3 storage type.
    • Expand Advanced details, select team99-ec2-fleet-role for IAM instance profile.
    • (Optional) In user data textbox, enter this.
        net user User /active:no
        net user User Some-Strong-Random-Password-Here
        net user Administrator /active:yes


      1. Windows 10/11 Development Machine comes with user account with no password - username: User and the password is not set. And Administrator account is disabled.
      2. In above user data, we disable User account, and set a random password of your choosing.
      3. And we also re-enable/activate Administrator account.
    • Leave the rest as-is, click Launch instance.
  8. Once EC2 is ready, click Connect > Session Manager > Connect. This will open session terminal in browser. Enter this to reset password for Administrator.

     net user Administrator Some-Strong-Random-Password-Here
  9. Terminate the instance once you are done.

Side Note - Import and launch Windows 11 in AWS EC2

As of Feb 2024, there was an issue importing Windows 11 image.

VHD source: Windows 11 development environment > select VirtualBox.

Importing disk is not progressing beyond 39% after more than 2 hours.

    "ImportImageTasks": [
            "Architecture": "x86_64",
            "Description": "Windows 11 Dev",
            "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-016cbb71a3e5795d7",
            "LicenseType": "BYOL",
            "Platform": "Windows",
            "Progress": "39",
            "SnapshotDetails": [
                    "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
                    "DiskImageSize": 22724793856.0,
                    "Format": "VMDK",
                    "Status": "completed",
                    "Url": "s3://ec2-import-demo-20240204999999/WinDev2401Eval.ova",
                    "UserBucket": {
                        "S3Bucket": "ec2-import-demo-20240204999999",
                        "S3Key": "WinDev2401Eval.ova"
            "Status": "active",
            "StatusMessage": "booting",
            "Tags": [
                    "Key": "CostCenter",
                    "Value": "EC2 Import Demo"
                    "Key": "Department",
                    "Value": "Infra"
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "win11-ec2-image"
            "BootMode": "uefi"

And finally after 2-3 hours, it throws the following error.

    "ImportImageTasks": [
            "Architecture": "x86_64",
            "Description": "Windows 11 Dev",
            "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-016cbb71a3e5795d7",
            "LicenseType": "BYOL",
            "Platform": "Windows",
            "SnapshotDetails": [
                    "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
                    "DiskImageSize": 22724793856.0,
                    "Format": "VMDK",
                    "Status": "completed",
                    "Url": "s3://ec2-import-demo-20240204999999/WinDev2401Eval.ova",
                    "UserBucket": {
                        "S3Bucket": "ec2-import-demo-20240204999999",
                        "S3Key": "WinDev2401Eval.ova"
            "Status": "deleted",
            "StatusMessage": "FirstBootFailure: This import request failed because the instance failed to boot and establish network connectivity.",
            "Tags": [
                    "Key": "CostCenter",
                    "Value": "EC2 Import Demo"
                    "Key": "Department",
                    "Value": "Infra"
                    "Key": "Name",
                    "Value": "win11-ec2-image"
            "BootMode": "uefi"
